Goodreads, LibraryThing, Shelfari, Booklikes,
Biblionasium are online book communities where people can upload information
about the books they have read or would like to read. This is also where people
can find recommendations for which books to read. Other members post comments
on the books they have read and depending on those comments people can decide
if they want to read the book or not. Some online book communities are easy to
navigate, others are a little complicated, but I will mention each one and I
will give you information about my thoughts, likes, dislikes, advantages,
disadvantages, ease of use, most pleasing to the eye, which ones students would
like best and many other things.
Biblionasium is an online book
community that is very inviting to navigate and it contains different things
like a shelf where you can put the books you have read or would like to
read. Teachers can create groups of students and give them challenges. It
contains the reports of the books. It also has a section for suggested reading.
Teachers can also set goals, run reports, send letters to parents. Biblionasium
is my favorite, and this is the one I will start incorporating in my class. I want to also use this one in my library in the
future. This
is an excellent website for students, parents and teachers. 100% user friendly.
Goodreads is very easy to
navigate. It contains different sections. One of the sections is My Books here
I can find my bookshelves, and in my bookshelves I have the books I have already
read, the ones that I am currently reading and the ones I want to read. Here I
can also find the list of my owned books. I can also find recommendations, most
read authors, etc. It also has a section for groups, recommendations and
explore. I do not see any disadvantages. I would recommend this webpage to
students as well as teachers and people that like to read.
Librarything is a website that
has a lot of information about books. This website contains a section where you
can add your books, a section for groups, recommendations, reviews; it also has
a talk forum. Under your collections you will find a section for currently
reading, to read, read but unowned, favorites, wishlist. Something I really
like about librarything is that you can search for books on different places
like Library of Congress, Overcat, Amazon and many more. This was one of my
favorite websites. I would definitely want to use this one not only as a
teacher but as a librarian. I do not see any disadvantages.
Booklikes is a website where you
can find information about books. It is very easy to navigate. When you move
the cursor to the Dashboard it gives you options to navigate to different things
like blog, shelf, timeline, explore, discussions friends, giveaways, daily
deals, goodies, etc. Something that I really like about this website is that it
has a section where you can ask a question if you need help. I do not see
any disadvantages. I would definitely use this website in the class with my students.
Shelfari is a website for books.
Here you can use your virtual shelves to post the books you have read. Here you
can rate, review, tag and discuss about the books. Here you can also create
groups, other members can follow you, discuss about books. You can access
shelfari when you have an account with amazon. I do not see any disadvantages.
I would recommend this website to every student. It is easy to navigate.
After creating an account and
reviewing all these five online book communities; I can see that there is so
much stuff you can do in the classroom using these websites. I think that my
students would like to use biblionasium more than the other ones, because it is
very easy to navigate; parents and teachers can accessed too. I like
biblionasium more than the others. All of them are very complete and I don’t see
any disadvantages on any of them, but I like this one more than the others,
because once you open the website the colors and everything looks very inviting
to navigate. The
search engine is easy to use, at the same time a student can use this website
without or very little help. I believe they would get excited if they
see the books they have read on their shelf.
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