Friday, July 4, 2014

Favorite Tweets

I have never used twitter, but it is amazing to learn new things every day. So I decided to give it a try. I just learned that here I can connect with friends, important and famous people. I can watch events unfold, in real time, from every angle. I really like Twitter. The following tweets are from knowledgeable people in technology & education.

Linda W. Braun @lbraun2000
According to Fast Company (2014) “Barbie has held many positions long before real-life women did. She was an astronaut in the 1960s, a CEO in the 1980s, and a presidential candidate in the 1990s.”

Tony Vincent @tonyvincent

An iPad can be the teacher’s pet.

Buffy Hamilton @ buffyjhamilton

Trust, privacy and safety are critical to learning in an open online world. Connected Learning (2014).

The Daring Librarian @GwynethJones

According to Sheninger (2014) "In the world of education, technology often becomes a “solution looking for a problem.” Since most technology is not initially designed with education in mind, it has to be “fit” into the world of education." 

Jim Lerman @jimlerman

“A blended learning environment means you’re mixing technology with standard teaching practices in order to enhance education.” From

Kathy Schrock @kathyschrock

Online tools and web 2.0 applications

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