Friday, July 25, 2014

Mining Pew

13 Things to Know About Teens and Technology

Rainie, L. (2014, July 23). 13 Things to Know About Teens and Technology. Pew Research Centers Internet American Life Project RSS. Retrieved July 25, 2014, from

Gathering information from the Pew Research Internet Project’s national surveys; Lee Rainie will highlight 13 things about how teens use technology. Teens have tech saturated lives 95% use internet and 81% use social network sites.  Information is like a third skin and teens have a new attention layer. On an online survey of 2,462 advanced placement teachers, 77% said that digital tools have mostly impacted their students’ research work in a positive way. 87% agree that technology is affecting the teens; they get easily distracted and have short attention spans.

Now that we are talking about technology, what is the future of learning?
Learning as transaction
Learning as a process
*Knowledge is objective and certain
*Knowledge is subjective and provisional
*Learners receive knowledge
*Learners create knowledge
*Knowledge is organized in stable, hierarchical structures that can be treated independently of one another
*Knowledge is organized “ecologically” disciplines are integrative and interactive
(Rainie 2014)

According to Rainie in 2020 the brains of multitasking teens and young adults are wired differently from those over age 35 and overall it yields helpful results. 

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